Saturday, September 10, 2011

Success Strategy Series: GET MOTIVATED

To truly motivate yourself and achieve - ACTION - is required.
A goal without an action plan is just a dream ...

Read the Biographies of people that impress you

Instead of looking "up" to our heroes - its better to look into them. We are all born with 24 hours in our day. The only difference between Oprah, Bill Gates, Barack Obama and YOU is what you do with your 24 hours.

Leave Your Comfort Zone

Constantly look for challenges to motivate yourself. Recognize when you are buried in your comfort zone.

Turn off the TV

If you are watching too much television and you know it. Decide which side of the glass you want to live on. When you are watching television you are watching other people live their dreams. If you have time to watch TV you have time to work on your goal. Do something constructive that moves you closer to your objectives. You have time how are you using it?

Progress is not a straight line - its a wavy line. Its always two steps forward - one step back.
You need to know that there will be UPS and DOWNS. (I've had to take a job, after being an entrepreneur for 5 years - most people would be too proud to go back to working for someone else. But its my path and no one but God knows my life's path of success.) Sometimes you will have to confront your pride take a detour - but you are still in route - with detours along the way

Don't wait for CRISIS to motivate you - Stop Reacting to Life

Life is now. Life is not later on. You know what you need to do - Do it now.

Sit in Silence. Absolutely Alone

Sitting in silence allows your goals in life to take shape and develop clarity.

Read on the Road

You may not have time to read - but you commute to work. Turn off the radio - riding in the car is PRIME thinking time. Don't devote that time to just music and DJs - GET AN AUDIOBOOK.... (rent and purchase)

We plan to do great things someday when we get more money... when we find the time.... when we feel better....

Don't live like you have plenty of time - you don't. Find what makes you happy and do it. Don't wait for someone to offer it to you - it may never happen. If you like writing - start a newsletter. If you like speaking - start free weekly workshops.

When you first think about doing a something hard and overwhelming you are most aware of how you don't want to do it at all.

Do one thing towards the goal. Give it 15 minutes and come back to it. Do another 15 minutes and come back. Don't put it off completely. Start slowly, and eventually you are done. Break a BIG goal down into easy parts. create small objectives. If you think its easy - it will be.

Cut-off friends that don't support your goals

Cynics do not create. Enthusiasm for life is contagious. You should be taking inventory of all the influences in your life - constantly. If your relationships don't help you grow or positively enrich your life - it must go.

Adults have become accustomed to using their imagination only to WORRY

Commit to using your imagination to create. Worriers cannot achieve - all their visualization is concentrated on the potential of what could go wrong. Most people design their lives based on what people might be thinking of them to avoid embarrassment. "Show me someone who is afraid to look bad - and I'll show you a somebody you can beat every time"

Create a vision of who you want to be and LIVE in that vision as though it were already true.

Focus. Stop thinking on too many things at once. Focus on what you want and being a happy motivated person and thats what you will be. The only thing we have complete control over is our own mental attitude

Don't put it off til you feel better

Happiness should not depend on your achievement. Don't link happiness to something you don't have yet. Find happiness throughout the process - not just at the end of a goal.

Run Toward Your Fear

Work through even a small fear - you increase confidence in your ability when you conquer your fears. Fear kills more people than death. Death kills us once - fear kills us over and over again. If you are ever in an unmotivated mood - find something you fear, conquer it and WATCH what happens to your self-esteem.

Don't Think with your Feelings

When there is a relationship problem. Use your brain and not your heart for the solution.

Be awake in the present moment

Stay focus on today. Don't live in the past unless you like guilt. Don't live in the future unless you like fear. Plan and seize everyday.

Talk To Yourself

Thinking is the soul talking to itself. No one knows you better than you. Jump start your morning with this internal conversation "Whats good in my life" and "What is there still to be done?

Write Things Down

Place things that motivated you prominently in your home and office. Your screen saver at work put motivating picture or quote. On your desk at work, take the frame and replace the photo with motivating quote or picture. At home, put motivating photo on under magnet on your refrigerator.

Get Out of the Box

All of us look at our challenges from inside a box. We take what we've done in the past and then try to envision future. Don't use your past to map your future - at best you get a new improved past. You want something completely new - Get out of that box. For the best possible future for yourself - don't look through your past. Create the future from nothing. If you DO what you've always DONE - you GET what you've always GOT.

Excerpt: 101 To Motivate Yourself by Steve Chandler
Courtesy of

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